Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Google Earth Activity

Record the responses to your tour of the Grand Canyon in Google Earth.


  1. 1. The Grand Canyon visit was my favorite.
    2. It was my favorite because i got to see the colorado river and all of the water falls.
    3.I really didn't like going to Lisbon,Portugal.
    4. It showed no interest to me because it was boring.
    5. I followed it all of the way to the Hoover Dam.
    6. It was hard in the 1st place to find the Colorado River because you had to search the blue boxes and there were plenty of them.
    7. The land was very rocky and very high from the river. It seemed higher there then in the Canyon.

  2. 1. The Eiffel Tower was my favorite place to visit.
    2. This way my favorite place to go because when I went there the Tower itself was in 3-D.
    3. The Google Campus was my least favorite place to visit.
    4. This was my least favorite because it was just a bunch of buildings in a circle.
    5. You could follow the river all the way to the Hoover Dam.
    6. Once you got to the Hoover Dam the river got a little smaller which made it harders to see and follow.
    7. The land surronding the Dam was very rocky and very high from the river it seemed higher there than anywhere else.

  3. 1. I liked the Las Vegas trip the best.
    2. I liked the Las Vegas trip because there was so many things to look at in Las Vegas.
    3. I didn't like the Grand Canyon trip.
    4. I didn't like the Grand Canyon trip because the area didn't look very interesting to me.
    5. You could follow it to the Hoover Dam.
    6. You didn't always know if you were on the same river because the river wasn't labeled.
    7. It seemed like the land was getting rockier as we got closer to the Hover Dam.

  4. 1.Las Vegas
    2.It is a city in the middle of the dessert.
    Multiple land shape
    3.Red Square
    4.It looks good, but not special.Too many
    5.From the start to the end.
    6.I checked the sun,so there's shadow of
    mountain that covered the rivers.
    7.It's getting deeper.The land, seems falling down apart.

  5. 1.) My favorite sight seeing trip was the Forbidden City
    2.) I liked it because aside from the obvious irony to its name and it being on google earth, But I liked it most because it looked exactly like the level in a video game I played. Exactly.
    3.) The one I liked the least was the Grand Canyon.
    4.) I disliked it because the scenery was boring because it was in a desert.
    5.) I could only follow the Grand Canyon until Google Earth paints it green. Like moss green.
    6.) The problems I encountered were that there were too many odd brances off of the canyon that I kept following which caused me to lose my way.
    7.) The land was more like a mountain than a desert.

  6. 1.)I really enjoyed the Disney World Sightseeing trip.
    2.) Well I have been to Disney World a few times and I really like it, but I really liked looking at it from the bird eyes view because you can really grasp how large it actually is. You can see all the space that Disney owns and you can see all the resorts and the parks in comparison to each other.
    3/4.) I honestly didn't not like any places but I guess the CN Tower in Canada was not that interesting to me. When you got there you didn't have much to look at or to do.
    5.)I followed the river all the way to the Hoover Dam.
    6.)I encountered things like loosing the river, because I all of a sudden couldn't see it anymore. I also was zoomed far out so you could easily get away from the river and get out in the middle no where.
    7.) As a I closer to the hoover dam the place where the river was got a lot deeper.

  7. 1. The hoover dam.
    2. I thought trying to find the hoover dam was fun because i've never even seen the grand canyon and it almost felt like you were actually there seeing it because it looked so real. And the hoover dam looked really cool i had never seen it before. :)
    3. Least favorite would have to be Lisbon, Portugal.
    4. I didn't like it that much because i wasn't necessarily familiar with it and just didn't find it that interesting.
    5. All the way to the hoover dam.
    6. Zooming in and out to see things was kind of tough sometimes, but other than that is was pretty easy to figure out.
    7. It looked as if it got deeper and more steep and rough looking.
